Vocabulary Journal – Building Academic Vocabulary With Speed – Day 1

Learning From Home During COVID-19

NABE 2020

Coaching Teachers in Bilingual and Dual Language Classrooms

Gain the skills you need to coach teachers in bilingual and dual-language classrooms. In this practical guide, you will discover a proven process for creating a fair and effective observation and feedback cycle to help support bilingual teachers in this important work. Author Alexandra Guilamo offers pertinent coaching theory and accessible coaching strategies sourced directly from her firsthand experiences in dual-language education. Use this bilingual education book to guide your instructional coaching: Explore the dual-language programs currently used in classrooms and schools and their unique qualities and benefits. Learn the seven essential elements of an effective coaching and feedback cycle. Gain best practices you can utilize in your work as a coach and observer of dual-language teachers. Study the characteristics of high-quality feedback. Receive answers to frequently asked questions on dual-language instruction. Click here to order
Southern New England Regional Dual Language Conference

Saturday, March 23, 2019 MABE’s eighth annual Southern New England Regional Dual Language Conference. Nathanael Greene Elementary School 285 Smithfield AvePawtucket, RI 02860 School visits: March 18-22 Theme: Making Connections:Focus on Culture For registration and more information visit: www.mabene.org
Seventh International Conference on Immersion & Dual Language

February 6-9, 2019, Charlotte, NC I will be presenting at the Seventh International Conference on Immersion & Dual Language. For more information please visit conference website.
Happy Thanksgiving – Feliz día de acción de gracias

This Thanksgiving, we would like to thank all of our TaJu Educational Solutions friends, extended family and partners around the world. Happy Thanksgiving! Be well my friends!
Honored to Present: “Hidden Blind Spots” @ the 2018 METCO Association
“Hidden Blind Spots: Systematically Confronting the Inequities Faced by Linguistically and Culturally Diverse Populations”, presented by Alexandra Guilamo – Friday, December 7, 2018 It is such an honor to be able to present this interactive workshop designed to give educational leaders the tools to systematically confront issues of access and equity faced by linguistically and culturally diverse studentsby: exploring our own identities and attitudes about linguistically and culturally diverse populations; constructing a model that defines the extent to which blind spots (or entrenched perceptions) are (1) created by experiences, (2) utilized to shape our judgments and beliefs, and (3) applied unconsciously as we make decisions that limit access and opportunity; drawing conclusions about the impact of our blind spots on range of educational decisions such as program models, language policies, instructional practices, curricular materials, providing opportunities for intervention and acceleration, and more; developing tools to advocate and respond to inequities faced by linguistically and culturally diverse populations; developing action steps for systematically recognizing and confronting blind spots to ensure all learners have access to an educational experience that unlocks their full potential.
Come Visit Me @ La Cosecha: November 15th
If you are considering a dual language program or are early in your adoption, please stop by my session which I will be presenting on Thursday, November 15th at 3:00 pm (Inn & Spa at Loretto, Acoma North). The title of my session is The Dual Language Start Up Kit: 10 Essentials for Years 1-3, which provides essential guidance that all districts need to ensure a sustainable program that allows students to realize the three pillars of dual language education.
What does your Dual Language MTSS process look like?
The multi-tiered system of support is a critical framework to ensure ALL Dual Language students are successful. However, when designing MTSS for Dual Language Programs, we must do so with a number of assumptions related to implementation. As with any educational program, all Dual Language programs need a focus on a strong core, or tier one – one that has: clear standards for the content, clear standards for literacy (or language arts) that is unique to each program language, clear standards for language development for each program language, clear processes for differentiating and scaffolding instruction so that ALL dual language students have access to grade level rigor. As part of this tier one planning, universal assessments and systems to analyze those assessments will be essential in helping us consider the interaction between language, literacy, and cultural reference points in order to ensure each student’s success. As with all tier 1 models, three times a year, all Dual language students are assessed to determine and analyze the linguistic growth, literacy development, and academic achievement of all students in a way that is authentic to each language & systematic across and within the dual language program. This combination of data for both program languages is used to (a) identify students making adequate progress using wholistic biliteracy trajectories normed against dual language learners, (b) identify students who are not fully making adequate progress and require extra assistance, or (c) identify students who have a critical need for specialized supports. A brief model of how all three tiers operate together is shared below.