Come Visit Me @ La Cosecha: November 15th
If you are considering a dual language program or are early in your adoption, please stop by my session which I will be presenting on Thursday, November 15th at 3:00 pm (Inn & Spa at Loretto, Acoma North). The title of my session is The Dual Language Start Up Kit: 10 Essentials for Years 1-3, which provides essential guidance that all districts need to ensure a sustainable program that allows students to realize the three pillars of dual language education.
You Can’t DO Dual Language to Schools: It Takes Time

I’m one of the fiercest advocates of DL, and the waves of districts rushing to implement DL programs in under 6 months, has me cautious of the larger consequence of starting programs without enough training, without buy-in and commitment in schools, and without a strategic plan fully developed. How will neigh Sayers recognize the difference between programs that were set up to struggle from their inception? And if something doesn’t change, will all dual language programs be deemed part of a run-away train that needs to be “fixed” with more policies that further devalue the needs of our learners?