What does your Dual Language MTSS process look like?
The multi-tiered system of support is a critical framework to ensure ALL Dual Language students are successful. However, when designing MTSS for Dual Language Programs, we must do so with a number of assumptions related to implementation. As with any educational program, all Dual Language programs need a focus on a strong core, or tier one – one that has: clear standards for the content, clear standards for literacy (or language arts) that is unique to each program language, clear standards for language development for each program language, clear processes for differentiating and scaffolding instruction so that ALL dual language students have access to grade level rigor. As part of this tier one planning, universal assessments and systems to analyze those assessments will be essential in helping us consider the interaction between language, literacy, and cultural reference points in order to ensure each student’s success. As with all tier 1 models, three times a year, all Dual language students are assessed to determine and analyze the linguistic growth, literacy development, and academic achievement of all students in a way that is authentic to each language & systematic across and within the dual language program. This combination of data for both program languages is used to (a) identify students making adequate progress using wholistic biliteracy trajectories normed against dual language learners, (b) identify students who are not fully making adequate progress and require extra assistance, or (c) identify students who have a critical need for specialized supports. A brief model of how all three tiers operate together is shared below.