

ELL/DLL/Bilingual Coaching

Duration: 12-18 Month Cohort | 40 Participants Maximum

A 12-18 month professional development and coaching program, led by TaJu expert facilitators that cultivates a data-driven process of improvement.  The ongoing coaching for schools with significant ELL/DLL/bilingual populations follows strategic cycles of learning that use a gradual release model.  These cycles are designed to build teachers’ expertise as they plan and deliver lessons in which English learners acquire academic knowledge and develop higher levels of English language proficiency.  Cycles are driven by a range of topics that include cultural proficiency and equitable learning, English language development standards, effective content and language objectives, sheltering and scaffolding practices, using formative assessments that are appropriate for students’ language proficiency levels, and strategically expanding students’ resources within the three language dimensions and across all four language domains.

The model incorporates (1) new learning in a whole group setting where teachers engage with hands-on experiences, simulations, videos, practical applications, and current research and strategies to begin developing their expertise; (2) leadership learning to analyze data, provide feedback, and design ongoing building-level supports for teachers; (3) collaborative planning to plan standards-based learning through a language lens, monitor learning outcomes, and build the repertoire of strategies that ensure growth for EL students; (4) demonstration lessons to help educators bridge the gap between new learning and application; (5) student work analysis to explore data-driven decision-making based on evidence of content mastery and language development; (6) and one on one support as needed to continue developing and refining the instructional practices that ensure student achievement.

This series includes on-site workshops, ongoing face-to-face coaching, web-based resources, and online technical assistance.

Objective:Participants will be able to…

  1. Explore the culture and climate of expectations for all learners
  2. Expand strategies for when and how to differentiation instruction for various student groups
  3. Develop an understanding of the role of formative assessment in content learning
  4. Learn how to interweave standards to support language and content objectives

Teacher Leader Coaching

Duration: 12-24 Month Cohort | 35 Participants Maximum

Our expert facilitators provide strategic consulting to develop teacher leaders in order to increase building capacity to implement strategies and practices that support the building priorities:

Objective:Participants will be able to…

  1. Increase effectiveness of programs with a focus on student outcomes
  2. Develop and effectively implement new strategies and protocols to review data for the purposes of impacting instruction
  3. Acquire the skills to coach others through the instructional steps and best practices  that improve outcomes and results for all students
  4. Review and evaluate tier one curriculum and core instruction

Leadership Coaching

Duration: 12-24 Month Cohort | 20 Participants Maximum

TaJu Educational Solutions, LLC offers leadership coaching at both the school and district levels.  Our expert coaching builds leadership capacity while solving real issues in the execution of improvement initiatives.   Coaching recommendations follow research-based best practices and are designed to be appropriate to the individual’s situation and profile.  We develop the coaching relationship in order to best meet the needs of the leader within the context of their own unique style and their larger school environment.