
NABE 51st Annual Conference 2022


Dual Language Teacher Introduction Letter Sample

DUAL LANGUAGE TEACHER INTRODUCTION LETTER SAMPLE Hola Familias, Yo sé que todos tienen que tomar una decisión importante sobre la selección del modelo híbrido o la academia en línea para sus hijos. Por favor, quiero que sepan que yo les apoyo a ustedes, a sus hijos, y a sus familias con cualquier decisión que tomen. Me gustaría hacer visitas de ‘distancia social’ a las familias que estén disponibles e interesadas al comienzo de este mes para conocer a su familia y sus necesidades para el año escolar. Mi idea es visitar cada familia individualmente de su entrada automovil or de la acera para que podamos conocernos y para que me puedan dar cualquier información que les parece importante para que yo pueda apoyarle a su hijo y familia este año. Aunque normalmente hablaríamos durante la noche de padres y maestr@s, pienso que estas visitas serán útiles para ayudarnos a establecer comunicación antes de que empiece escuela ya que estamos en unas circunstancias especiales. -su maestr@s Hello Families, I know you all have an important decision to make in regards to choosing the hybrid model or online academy for your children. Please know that I fully support you, your children, and your families whatever choice you make.  I would like to schedule socially distant visits for any families that are available and interested for the beginning of this month to get to know your family and your needs for the upcoming school year. My idea is to visit each family individually from their driveway or sidewalk so that we can get to know each other and you can give me any background information you feel would be helpful or important for me to know so that I can best serve your child and family this year. While we would normally talk at parent teacher night, I think these visits will be helpful to establish communication before school begins as we are in such different circumstances. -your teachers  

Wanted: Strategic Coaches and Leaders for Dual Language Teachers During Remote Learning

Wanted: Strategic Coaches and Leaders for Dual Language Teachers During Remote Learning By: Alexandra Guilamo Now more than ever, all dual language teachers must use their qualities like grit, perseverance, and going above and beyond. However, research from the National University of Singapore now suggests what dual language teachers have known for quite some time – grit is not nearly enough. In the midst of a racial pandemic and COVID-19 pandemic that continue to escalate, dual language programs, district leaders, and dual language teachers will need a more than healthy dose of strategic thinking and willingness as they assess, shift, reassess, and shift again to ensure that dual language meets all three goals. Dual language and other coaches are uniquely positioned to help teachers and leaders think about how they are thinking about dual language during this incredibly challenging time. Why is this? Coaches can use their coaching stances to examine the mindset leaders and teachers are using as they plan for what dual language education will look like in light of the newly released guidelines and contingency plans. Why did we start dual language and what alternative ways can we use to achieve all 3 goals? Coaches will need to remember the equity and social justice origin story of dual language in every coaching conversation. In doing so, helping dual language teachers find alternative approaches, tools, and strategies for juggling the new three pillars in two languages will be critical. Dual language teachers may not be able to use the same curricular resources as the rest of the district, and that is perfectly ok. In many cases, a shift to refocusing on the three pillars will allow for the integration of more multi-modal and authentic connections for all dual language students. How can we do this better while being kind to oneself and not fearing failure? Dual language teachers are some of the hardest working teachers I’ve ever met. They often work to translate large volumes of print materials and spend countless hours trying to simply ‘make it work’. Dual language teachers will need to be willing to help teachers break from what this current reality, one that I call the ‘dual language rat race’. Instead of burning ourselves out trying to chase what the monolingual classrooms around doing, coaches can help dual language teachers figure out better ways to achieve all three goals. Experiment with new ways of connecting all the standards that should already be in your biliteracy units (social justice, language, and content) with technology and technology-free connections to students’ lives, communities, and home realities. Coaches must strategically help dual language teachers to not fear failing, rather to look for small success like greater engagement, attendance, parent support, and/or interaction across both program languages. Where to focus your collaborative energies? More than anything, coaches will need to prioritize how strategically dual language co-teachers plan and coordinate what learning happens at school, at home, and in what program language. When we coach schools around their contingency planning efforts, a critical question is how the collaboration between teachers has been planned, coordinated, and structured for dual language success. Coaches will need to help dual language teachers consider which co-teaching model they will be using and why that might be the most effective model in light of the learning experience they are planning for. Only after the model has been strategically matched, should co-teachers begin planning together for what accessibility of learning and tools in both program languages will look like? This is one example of coaches can help LOTE & English dual language teachers plan for small groups instruction (which can be planned for asynchronous home learning). To download the full pdf of Co-Teaching in Dual Language Classrooms please visit our Resource Tab.