It is critical that school communities with Dual Language programs seek support. Implementing an effective and sustainable Dual Language program requires the proper buy-in, expertise, building culture, pedagogy & practices, additive learning environment, resources, and more. Our technical support begins with a partnership for program implementation and equity for multilingual learners.
Additional strategic supports included are:
Discover how to collaboratively use, plan for, and respond to critical dual-language data. This session is designed for participants to understand the actions needed to empower authentic dual-language data and use that data to provide:
This course works in conjunction with the How Dual Language Data Got Its Groove Back text and the Dual Language Data Framework®️ workbook by Alexandra Guilamo (2023).
Participants will develop a robust and increasingly intensive multi-tiered system of support and response to instruction process for dual language and emergent bilingual students. Inclusive school environments, effect bilingual and biliteracy core instruction, and dual-language-specific biliteracy zones and trajectories that are used to determine the adequacy of progress are some considerations and lenses that must be applied to accurately identify (not over-identify) language learners. The components of the dual-language process to be defined and articulated are listed below:
1. Universal screening: At pre-identified moments, the language, literacy, and academic achievement of all dual language and emergent bilingual learners are systematically assessed to determine who is (a) making progress, (b) not making adequate progress and, (c) in need of increasingly intensified and specialized supports.
2. Continuous progress monitoring: The progress of dual language and emergent bilingual learners is systematically monitored to find trends, student progress, and additional supports needed that integrate language, content, and cultural relevance.
3. Continuum of Evidence-Based Interventions: Students who are dual language and emergent bilingual learners have access to a range of interventions that vary in intensity or level of support and in language of delivery that has been validated. High quality and evidence-based tier 1 instruction is provided for all language learners. Tier 1 instruction for language learners must be:
(A) Standards-aligned & Grade level.
(B) Based on evidence-based instructional approaches and methods confirmed to be effective in developing bilingualism and biliteracy.
(C) Accessible to dual language and emergent bilingual learners (culturally and linguistically).
(D) Asset-based and meaningful.